Day: January 7, 2019


Why ANY diet works (kind of)…

Just HOW important is nutrition when it comes to achieving fat loss? I’ll start by answering that question with a question ( well, actually 2 questions…I know, I know, I’m awkward…..) 1)Do you know anyone who has lost body fat/changed their bodyshape by changing their diet & lifestyle WITHOUT going to the gym? Your answer […]

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fat burning foods

The 6 Best Fat Burning Foods…

  Forget about mythical ‘fat burning foods’ here’s what You DO need to lose fat: ✅ To ensure you are in realistic caloric deficit. ✅ A nutritional approach that you CAN stick to, that suits YOU as an individual. ✅ A progressive & structured gym routine that focuses on strength/resistance training. ✅ A consistent level of NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis), track your steps! […]

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