Day: July 29, 2024

10 things that don't build muscle

10 things that don’t build muscle…

1.  Cardio-Only Style workouts:Jumping around on a concrete floor or doing  endless burpees will not build muscle.  2. Excessive Repetitions with Light Weights:To build muscle, you need to lift heavier weights and take a set towards failure, not pump out endless reps with pink dumbbells. 3. Poor Nutrition:Eating too little or consuming insufficient protein won’t […]

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10 fitness myths

10 Fitness myths that need to stop…

10 Fitness myths that need to stop: 1)High reps are for ‘toning’ and low reps are for building muscle. 2)Ab exercises get you a 6 pack. 3)You need to ‘shock’ the body to build muscle. 4)Eating past 7pm makes you fat. 5)You have to eat breakfast as it ‘kickstarts your metabolism’. 6)Carbs make you fat. […]

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