28 Days Of Bread…

28 days of bread

🍞28 days of  bread -The challenge! 

🍞Starting today, for the month of February, I’m going to be doing a ’28 days of bread’ challenge!

This isn’t what you think it might be…

I am going to eat bread for 28 days straight…

It might be toast, it might be a sarnie or a cheeky bagel, but bread WILL be eaten every day for the month of February!

👍🏻The reason I’m doing this is to show you that you don’t have to eradicate any one particular food from you diet in order to make progress.

🍞I chose bread because its a great example of a demonised food that gets a lot of hate. Its also a food that people cite as a reason for weight gain &, as a result, is often the first food to get completely removed!

✅My goal of this 28 day challenge is to highlight/demonstrate that you can factor foods that you enjoy into your life on a daily basis & STILL achieve results. 

I also want to highlight that eating bread every day will NOT automatically make me gain weight! No one food in isolation causes weight gain, eating too many calories for a chronic amount of time causes weight gain..

I am currently 96kg and I will get weighed again upon completing the 28 days of bread!

I will be documenting my choices and I’ll be sharing my bready journey throughout February with you..

Thats all for today, until the next time…

Tristan ‘one slice at a time’ Buttle.

Click here to see Day 1 of bread!

P.S – Whats your favourite bread? Give some recommendations & I’ll try them out!


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