Breaking up after one argument….

Chances are that at some point you have had an argument with your other half?

Did you break up immediately after this one single argument?

Chances are that at some point you have disagreed with a friend?

Did you immediately sack this friend off and remove them from your life?

Chances are that at some point you have cracked or damaged your phone?

Did you then throw your phone against the wall, smashing it to pieces?!

Chances are you have burnt the tea at some point?

Did you then torch the entire kitchen?!

Chances are that at some point you have had a flat tyre?

Did you then get out the car and slash the other 3 tyres?!

I bet you have been guilty of self-sabotaging when it comes to your goals though?

Eg: you’ve had a long day hectic day, you skip the gym, and by the time you sit down to eat you are tempted by your favourite trigger food…………

You indulge…..

Big time……..

And then some….

You eat more, not because you particularly want it, but because you have come this far and the damage is done, so you may as well right?

Diet starts again on Monday? No point starting before is there?

If this happens because it’s just a bad day, that’s fine as nothing, if done in isolation will ruin your progress completely.

However, I invite you to ask yourself if your actions are linked to a lack of self-belief?

Deep down, do you truly believe you can achieve your goals?

If you don’t truly believe in your ability to succeed, you will find and create examples to support your doubts, and you will tell yourself:

‘This won’t work’…

‘I can’t do this’…

‘I’m too busy right now’…

‘I’m just not ready yet’…

‘I’m not good enough’…….

‘I’m useless/I’m lazy’…………..

You are the sum of what you do the most of……………

One bad day doesn’t have to become a bad week………

One bad week doesn’t have to become a bad month….

One bad month doesn’t have to become a bad 3 months……….




Remember this:

Rituals and routines get results………..

Stop giving up on yourself and start believing in yourself,

That’s all for today, until the next time,

Tristan ‘you CAN do this’ Buttle.

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