Free fat loss tips.
Fat loss may not always be easy, but it can be simple. I’ll be sharing some practical tips over the next few weeks that are designed for you to put into practice starting today!

Tip #1 eat protein for breakfast.
It doesn’t matter what time you eat breakfast, whether it’s 5am or 11am, my advice is that you start your day with protein…
Natural appetite control:
Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer. This helps to reduce the likelihood of you snacking/overeating later in the day. This can lead to a natural reduction in overall calorie intake, which is essential for fat loss.
Thermic effect of food (TEF):
Your body burns more calorie digesting protein compared to carbohydrates & fats.
Stable energy:
Unlike some high-carb breakfasts, which can lead to energy dips through your day, a protein-rich breakfast may provide you with more sustained energy. This can help you to stay active the day, supporting your overall calorie expenditure.
Keep your muscle:
When losing weight, it’s crucial to maintain muscle mass, this simply cannot be done without eating enough Protein. Protein helps preserve lean muscle, simple! Therefore, eating a decent portion of protein at breakfast can help you hit your daily requirements.
That’s all for today, have a good day, have a good workout, have a good week!
Tristan ‘protein power’ Buttle.