15% of your total daily calories are burned from your daily activities excluding resting, training, sleeping and eating. This is referred to as Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (N.E.A.T).
N.E.A.T vs E.A.T
A huge influence in N.E.A.T levels are the total amount of daily steps that you perform. Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (E.A.T) accounts for only 5% of your total daily calories burned.
Fat burning workouts DON’T exist:
Exercise shouldn’t be about how many calories you burn, and why ‘fat burning’ workouts don’t exist! Focusing on overall input/output is the way to lose weight.

Be realistic…
Like all targets you set, your step count must be realistic and achievable and relative to where you are currently at. If you are office/desk bound, and averaging 5k a day, then a daily 10k target is probably currently unrealistic.
Set a weekly target:
Try setting a weekly total: 10k steps is 70k a week. 8k steps is 56k a week. This for higher/lower days depending on what you’ve got going on. Likewise, this weekly target means you don’t have walk around the house at 10pm to hit your ‘magical’ 10k steps! In simple terms, making an effort to move more WILL have a positive impact on your fat loss goals.