Your gym does NOT want you to go:
The business model of most commercial gyms is this:
Members join, members pay a fee for facilities they DO NOT use.
The truth is, they don’t want you to go, but they want you pay!
This is the ideal scenario for the gym, but clearly not for you!
Think about it:
Is anyone TRULY invested in what you are currently doing at your gym?
Do they know EXACTLY what you did last time you trained?
Do they even know your name?!
The chances are you have zero accountability to your gym…
If you don’t go tonight, so what?
Will they ask you why?
Will they follow it up?
Will they even notice?!
Even if you are going to a gym that claims to offer you the ‘personal touch’ is this actually true and is it actually working for you?
Most importantly, are you enjoying your training and are you seeing the results you truly want?
If not, perhaps it’s time for a new approach?
This is just one of the MANY reason why in a HUGE fan of home based training, and remember the 20 minutes you do at home will ALWAYS beat the hour you didn’t do at the gym.
You NEED a plan b…
In my experience I would say the general population typically sets a target of exercising 3 x per week.
Whether that’s gym sessions or classes or a combination of both.
However, life often gets in the way(work, kids, long days, meetings, the list goes on…..) & sadly 1 of these 3 sessions is often missed.
And the reality is that this missed session is rarely replaced with anything else.
More than often there is no back up plan and there is no substitute in place.
A third of the efforts are simply lost.
Not an issue now and again, but also not a great plan for true long term success.
When it comes to training, something will ALWAYS beat nothing & action will ALWAYS beat inaction.
Doing a quick 20 minute blast at home is a great way to keep things moving and keep you progressing, both mentally & physically.
Tristan ‘I want you to go’ Buttle.
To read more of my blogs on training click HERE.