How many people do you know?

How many people do you know?

Grand total?

Include all your friends, family, colleagues & acquaintances, anyone you have ever known.

It’s a fair few isn’t it?

Of all of these people, how many of are either a member of a gym, or take part in any form of structured training?

That list has now shrunk hasn’t it?

From that list, how many of them do so consistently performing at least 2/3 sessions every week?

Shrunk a bit more, yes?

From that list, how many of those people have actually got the results they truly want?

Not many at all?!

If you are reading this, and you are currently training, stop beating yourself up!

If you ARE regularly going to the gym, swimming, or doing a class, you are doing FAR more than the average person…KEEP GOING!

You may not be where you want to be physically/mentally, but that’s a structure issue, not an attendance issue.

If you are not currently training, I ask you not to do what the masses do, because it simply doesn’t work.

Find consistency with a program/routine that YOU can follow and stick to, and above all else dont eb afraid to ask for help/advice from a professional (like me).

Until the next time,

Tristan ‘do something different’ Buttle.

P.S – 13% of the UK population are a member of a gym…..That’s it…13%

P.P.S -that figure is not active membership; it doesn’t mean they are actually using their chosen gym, only that they are a member……

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