Author: tristan1978

This is Tom

This is Tom…

He turned 40 this year. That was a trigger for him to start training more regularly. He also has a 3 year old daughter and had experienced how easy it is to just let go and not exercise, and this is a trap he really didn’t want to fall into! Tom had trained in the […]

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Fat loss tip

Fat Loss Tip #2… Walk More…

N.E.A.T… 15% of your total daily calories are burned from your daily activities excluding resting, training, sleeping and eating. This is referred to as Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (N.E.A.T). N.E.A.T vs E.A.T A huge influence in N.E.A.T levels are the total amount of daily steps that you perform. Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (E.A.T) accounts for only […]

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This is Barbara, and she is 73.

I see too many people allowing their age to stop them from doing what they truly want to do. When it comes to achieving your health & fitness goals, age is obviously a factor & does play a role in how you should approach your training. However, you are NOT defined by your age. You […]

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Press Ups are free

Press Ups are free…

Press ups are free. The chances are you WILL need a Plan B when it comes to training. A 20 minute home workout will always beat the hour at the gym you don’t do. The reality is that you don’t need a lot to do a lot… People train in empty prison cells and still […]

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fat loss tips

Fat Loss Tip #1… Eat Protein For Breakfast.

Free fat loss tips. Fat loss may not always be easy, but it can be simple. I’ll be sharing some practical tips over the next few weeks that are designed for you to put into practice starting today! Tip #1 eat protein for breakfast. It doesn’t matter what time you eat breakfast, whether it’s 5am […]

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10 things that don't build muscle

10 things that don’t build muscle…

1.  Cardio-Only Style workouts:Jumping around on a concrete floor or doing  endless burpees will not build muscle.  2. Excessive Repetitions with Light Weights:To build muscle, you need to lift heavier weights and take a set towards failure, not pump out endless reps with pink dumbbells. 3. Poor Nutrition:Eating too little or consuming insufficient protein won’t […]

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10 fitness myths

10 Fitness myths that need to stop…

10 Fitness myths that need to stop: 1)High reps are for ‘toning’ and low reps are for building muscle. 2)Ab exercises get you a 6 pack. 3)You need to ‘shock’ the body to build muscle. 4)Eating past 7pm makes you fat. 5)You have to eat breakfast as it ‘kickstarts your metabolism’. 6)Carbs make you fat. […]

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Living in Matilda’s world…

Matilda’s innocence & intrigue of the world fascinates me. She can be absolutely amazed by the simplest things. Things that us adults wouldn’t even register or acknowledge. She’s so amazing to watch and I find it really humbling at times. She gives me perspective as to what is important and often makes me realise how […]

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Ice baths

Ice Baths & Cold Water…

The use/promotion of Ice baths & cold water therapy is more popular than ever, it seems like everybody is doing it! Athletes, fitness influencers, celebrities, & podcasters all seem to starting their day by taking the plunge. Like most things health & fitness related, as the trend has grown, the benefits of use have also […]

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How many people do you know?

How many people do you know? Grand total? Include all your friends, family, colleagues & acquaintances, anyone you have ever known. It’s a fair few isn’t it? Of all of these people, how many of are either a member of a gym, or take part in any form of structured training? That list has now […]

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