All too often, it’s easy to become to focussed only on the end goal—whether it’s fitting into your favourite jeans, a personal best, or a number on the scale. But real progress happens when you learn to love the process. Why? Because real goals take real time. If you’re only chasing the final result, you’ll […]
IMPROVE THE NEXT 12 HOURS OF YOUR LIFE…. When we talk about the effects of training, we can all be guilty of becoming focused on one thing: changing how we LOOK. However, it’s also equally as important to focus on changing how you FEEL. Physical activity has a direct effect on your […]
Whenever we talk about food, hunger, and/or nourishing the body it’s also important to remember that we all often eat for various reasons that extend way beyond hunger. We can be driven/influenced by a wide range of psychological, social, and environmental factors… 1. Emotional Eating: Eating in response to emotions such as stress, boredom, sadness, […]
Are you a busy adult/parent? If so, when it comes to training, you NEED a Plan B. The average person (I’m talking general population here) typically sets a target of exercising 3 x per week Whether that’s gym sessions or classes or a combination of both. However, life often gets in the way(work, kids, long […]
Are you stuck for Christmas gift ideas? Do you want to help a loved one kickstart their New Years resolutions? This is the ideal gift for anyone who is new to the world of health & fitness… Or perhaps you know someone who is already a keen gym goer, but could do with some extra […]
‘That’s Progress’! As a trainer this is something I often find myself saying to my clients throughout my day. I log everything single workout with every single client and we aim to make progress throughout our sessions together. Progression completely underpins my approach with all my clients. Simon noted this & kindly had these t-shirts […]
Arnold was my child hood hero! The 80’s was my era as a kid/young teenager, it was THE golden age of all action movies, & I grew up watching Schwarzenegger, Stallone, & Van Damme all doing their thing. Commando, Rambo, Terminator, Rocky, Predator, The Running Man, Over the Top, Cobra & Bloodsport….I watched them all […]
I don’t ‘have’ to do this, I ‘get’ to do this… Chances are if you are reading this you are luckier than you think. You are able bodied. You are able minded. You may have injuries, limitations & you may have mental struggles & battles, but the chances are you DO have exercise/training options. Sadly, […]
The 80’s was my era as a kid, it was the golden age of ALL action movies, & I grew up watching Schwarzenegger & Stallone doing their thing. Rocky, Rambo, Terminator, Commando Predator, The Running Man… the list goes on! Like most of my mates at the time, I actually wanted to be Arnold/ Sly…I […]
‘Monday motivation’ is not something I generally buy into… Instead , I’d like to offer a slightly different perspective… If you are reading this & you are able bodied/able minded the reality is you are fortunate. I fully appreciate that physical injury and/or being in a bad place mentally can stand in the way of […]