Category: Mindset

improve the next 12 hours of your life...

Improve the next 12 hours of your life…

IMPROVE THE NEXT 12 HOURS OF YOUR LIFE….   When we talk about the effects of training, we can all be guilty of becoming focused on one thing: changing how we LOOK.   However, it’s also equally as important to focus on changing how you FEEL.   Physical activity has a direct effect on your […]

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are you actually hungry?

Are you actually hungry?

Whenever we talk about food, hunger, and/or nourishing the body it’s also important to remember that we all often eat for various reasons that extend way beyond hunger. We can be driven/influenced by a wide range of psychological, social, and environmental factors… 1. Emotional Eating: Eating in response to emotions such as stress, boredom, sadness, […]

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Plan B

You NEED a Plan B….

Are you a busy adult/parent? If so, when it comes to training, you NEED a Plan B. The average person (I’m talking general population here) typically sets a target of exercising 3 x per week Whether that’s gym sessions or classes or a combination of both. However, life often gets in the way(work, kids, long […]

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Personal Training Gift Vouchers

Personal Training Vouchers Now Available!

Are you stuck for Christmas gift ideas? Do you want to help a loved one kickstart their New Years resolutions? This is the ideal gift for anyone who is new to the world of health & fitness… Or perhaps you know someone who is already a keen gym goer, but could do with some extra […]

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That's Progress!

That’s Progress!

‘That’s Progress’! As a trainer this is something I often find myself saying to my clients throughout my day. I log everything single workout with every single client and we aim to make progress throughout our sessions together. Progression completely underpins my approach with all my clients. Simon noted this & kindly had these t-shirts […]

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I wanted to be Arnold…

Arnold was my child hood hero! The 80’s was my era as a kid/young teenager, it was THE golden age of all action movies, & I grew up watching Schwarzenegger, Stallone, & Van Damme all doing their thing. Commando, Rambo, Terminator, Rocky, Predator, The Running Man, Over the Top, Cobra & Bloodsport….I watched them all […]

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I don’t ‘have’ to do this…

I don’t ‘have’ to do this, I ‘get’ to do this… Chances are if you are reading this you are luckier than you think. You are able bodied. You are able minded. You may have injuries, limitations & you may have mental struggles & battles, but the chances are you DO have exercise/training options. Sadly, […]

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Are you inspired?

The 80’s was my era as a kid, it was the golden age of ALL action movies, & I grew up watching Schwarzenegger & Stallone doing their thing. Rocky, Rambo, Terminator, Commando Predator, The Running Man… the list goes on! Like most of my mates at the time, I actually wanted to be Arnold/ Sly…I […]

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You have a choice…

‘Monday motivation’ is not something I generally buy into… Instead , I’d like to offer a slightly different perspective… If you are reading this & you are able bodied/able minded the reality is you are fortunate. I fully appreciate that physical injury and/or being in a bad place mentally can stand in the way of […]

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When did everything change?! When did going for a walk become ‘getting your steps in’ ? When did having your breakfast become ‘meal one about to go down’? When did going to the gym become ‘hi guys we are in for pull rotation 2b today’? When did not eating foods that make you feel shit […]

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