When did everything change?! When did going for a walk become ‘getting your steps in’ ? When did having your breakfast become ‘meal one about to go down’? When did going to the gym become ‘hi guys we are in for pull rotation 2b today’? When did not eating foods that make you feel shit […]
I have just taken 3 days off : 3 days off from work…3 days off social media… Not a lot is it? But consider this: When was the last time YOU didn’t use social media at all for 3 full days? As a self employed person, it’s part of my job to post on here, […]
Mondays…. Today is Monday, the start of new calendar week… Mondays are often a popular day for people who like to train. I have a lot of clients who love to train on Mondays because they feel it helps to anchor their behaviours & habits for the rest of the week. Training on a Monday […]
I’ve always had a passion for ‘traditional’ weight training, but I now enjoy including a wider range of training styles into my programming. I like the challenge of working on my weaknesses and areas I’ve neglected over the years. Box jumps have become part of regular routine now and they are progressing nicely…(you can […]
AGE… I’m 42 years old & I’ve worked in the fitness industry since I was 21… Occasionally I can feel a bit self conscious about my age. Don’t get me wrong, I know 42 isn’t ‘that old’, however the industry can often be seen as a ‘young persons game’ and it’s easy to allow this to […]
If I’m being totally honest I’ve felt disconnected from the fitness industry recently… . Don’t get me wrong I can honestly say that I love what I do, but just recently I’ve felt out of place. . I’m feeling more and more than I can’t relate to what I see & hear, especially on social […]
I went to Alton Towers yesterday with Amy and her fam & we LOVED it! However, when it came to jumping on some of rides I don’t mind admitting, I was a ‘bit’ nervous! I mean some of the rides are pretty INTENSE & pretty FAST! Whilst I was convincing myself it would all be […]
Every now & again we all meet someone who has an impact on us… This is Lynne & she was born blind. When it comes to training (and life in general) I can honestly say that she is one the most enthusiastic people I’ve ever met. She loves/lives to exercise & is always up for […]
Total Recall is 30 years old! I remember first watching it as a kid (somebody at school had a dodgy vhs pirate copy from Cyprus), and I’ve loved it ever since! Looking back, the last 30 years have flown by… It’s very cliche to say, but life really does move fast and, the older you […]
I began my career in fitness when I was 21 & I’ve learnt a lot in my 21 years of doing this… I look back at some of the things I used to believe & some of the advice I used to give out and its embarrassing! Training wise I wasted a LOTS of time […]