Unbreakable starring Bruce Wills as David Dunn, have you seen it? It’s a classic film, Bruce at his finest (apart from Die Hard obviously ha ha ).. Anyway, David discovers he has certain gifts, certain strengths & certain powers… Throughout the course of Unbreakable David starts to challenge these strengths… He doesn’t really know how strong […]
Happy New Year! Christmas has been & gone no doubt many of you will be starting 2019 by hitting the gym to beat that festive bloat & to kickstart your New Years Resolutions?! I have no issue with new years resolutions & even the most advanced or experienced trainer was once a beginner, however I’ve […]
This is Steve, & he is an ex rugby player… Steve is 45 & he dedicated the majority of his younger days to the game, it was & always will be his passion… Unfortunately the game has left him with several injuries which cause him limitation & pain in day to […]
Do The Hard Stuff…. ✅In the gym. ✅Out of the gym. ✅In life. Doing the hard stuff is what makes us grow & develop in all areas of life. The hard stuff is also the most rewarding. There is no sense of achievement in completing any task that you KNOW you can easily do. Think […]
..he isn’t a bodybuilder, a cover model or an athlete, he is simply a normal guy wanting to be a better version of himself…. ☀️Andy is going on holiday tomorrow with his family to Turkey… 12 weeks ago, Andy decided he wanted to be leaner & feel better for his holiday, so our plan began….. […]
Do the hard stuff: . I often talk about the importance of challenging yourself in the gym by doing the ‘hard stuff’. . By this, I am referring to the exercises that place the biggest demand on your body. Eg. A rack pull, pulldown or pull up variation will always be more taxing on your […]
Which exercise is the best for YOU? . You don’t HAVE to do any one exercise.. . When it comes to selecting an exercise, considerations should include: . Injuries/physician limitations (past & present). . Individual mechanics. . Whether the exercise in question is actually a good fit for that individual. . Limb length. […]
Love Island – do you watch it? As you probably know, the new series started recently…. It’s not really my thing (honest )….but as Amy is into it, its ‘on in my presence’ most evenings and probably will be for the foreseeable future every night at 9pm… Anyway, the ‘Love Island’ thing got me thinking, […]
Leg Pressing: How low should you go? In terms of depth/range of movement this is often down to the mechanics of the individual. For example: tight hamstrings will limit the range. Some of you will be able to take your knees right up towards your chest, whereas others will be far more comfortable sticking […]
A very simple key to achieve success in any area of your life is to simply do the things you said you would do………. However, all too often we are all guilty of waiting for that ‘perfect’ moment or the ‘perfect’ opportunity, ideally all done at the ‘perfect’ time…. This is why the new diet […]