Having a holiday workout: My belief is that YOU should do what YOU enjoy on holiday, so if you desire a holiday workout, do it! However, personally, I don’t prioritise the training over anything else… I prefer to be in ‘holiday mode’, seeing any workout as a potential bonus/opportunity to simply move my body without […]
Sweating…I encounter many people who I feel are scared or embarrassed to sweat when exercising. This is totally understandable, as sweating is an involuntary action controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is basically the part of our nervous system over which we have no control. We don’t consciously think to ourselves ‘this […]
Ever have one of ‘those’ days? Days were you lack motivation? You know the days I mean… >When you feel you have lost your mojo? >When you convince yourself it’s because you are lazy?? >You have brain fog?? >Everything seems misty & you can’t seem to switch on?? >When no amount of caffeine can get […]
I’m just putting going to put it out there….I love a bit of shopping….. with no shame…….. no embarrassment………. I love a bit of shopping….. However, has this ever happened to you………….? You have been out shopping, tried something on & thought ‘it’s just not me? You liked it but […]
That what he said to me after Body Pump.I ’ve been teaching Body Pump for over 8 years now…… I still love it…it’s still a great class and it’s still always a challenge. I don’t know if you have tried Body Pump (or class of death as a close friend of […]
When it comes to going the gym and training you may decide to simply ‘go it alone’ or ‘just do your own thing’………. Whilst this isn’t necessarily wrong, in my opinion it is often far from an optimal choice. Your choices and decisions lead directly to the results you have right now. […]
Lessons from David Brent………… I had a man date last night with one of my best mates and we went to see the new Ricky Gervais movie ‘David Brent: Life on the road’. I was always a huge fan of ‘The Office’ and it was great to see David Brent up on the big […]
When it comes to training, rarely does one size fit all, and if you were to ask 10 people (who have got results) what they do, you may get 10 different answers… How I train is specific to ME, how YOU train needs to be specific to YOU. Training age/experience, injuries & limitations, personal likes […]
Do you need to move more? What is your daily step count? How can you do more to achieve your goals without going to the gym even more than you are doing?! When it comes to fat loss, most people consider that they need to exercise and look at making dietary changes, but few look […]
A quick lesson from the Liam Gallagher haters………… Liam Gallagher has never been shy of being in the press or social media….. Earlier in the year Liam Gallagher was in attendance at the premiere of the oasis documentary ‘supersonic’ which charts the rise of the band from playing at local pubs to 2 […]