I am joined by James Jude Courtney…
James is the man behind the mask, the shape, he is Michael Myers, the star of the latest Halloween franchise, and upcoming Halloween Ends!
We talk about how he prepares for the role, how he embodies the character, and how he went into ‘mission mode’ for the franchise.
James also shares his deep breathing techniques, and dives into how it helps him to breath the character in & out. As he explains ‘if you can control your breath, you can control your body, then you can control your mind’…
He also discusses how using breathing can really help anyone who is feeling stressed & overwhelmed.
James is a true gentleman, he’s very open, very interesting, very honest, and a real pleasure to chat to!
I hope you enjoy listening to this chat as much as I did having it.
To listen on Spotify click HERE.
Tristan ‘podcaster’ Buttle.