JOSH HAS LOST 45 lbs!!!!

JOSH HAS LOST 45 lbs!!!!

This year Josh decided he wanted to make some changes & lose weight….

These are his words & his results:


Posting this now as with the Christmas holidays coming up I’m unlikely to make anymore progress this year but I’m ok with that. You have to be able to enjoy yourself 🍻.

January 1st I saw a video of myself and I didn’t like what I saw. I decided I was going to make a change for the better and try to lose weight.

I started off doing the regular ‘diet’ things and I started to lose weight. But after 2-3 months I started putting it back on, what I was doing wasn’t sustainable and my weight levelled off.

Now to make this clear I haven’t been asked to post this, I wanted to do this off my own back because I am really proud of the results I have achieved this year.

Around May I got in touch with Tristan who gave me some really solid advice. Eat less, move more. Track what you eat (be honest) and track your steps (aim for 10k a day).

I signed up for his 8 week challenge and took all the advice he had to give for losing weight and the best bit is I have been able to keep it going long after the challenge had finished.

I started this year at 110.6kg and as of this week weighed 92.2kg, nearly 3 stone lost in a year!!

For anyone wanting to lose weight or get into shape I would highly recommend getting in touch with Tristan, he really knows his stuff.

All this was done without stepping foot in a gym.

I am still not finished as next year I will be taking that step into the gym, and guess what, I’ll definitely be getting in touch with Tristan for advice, a plan and some PT sessions 💪

Anyway enough of this, hope everyone has a great Christmas break”!

I’m SO happy for Josh! This is true example of why I do what I do, and a great reminder to us all not give up on our goals.

Tristan ‘extremely proud’ Buttle.

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