This is Dave & he is 69 years young.
When it comes to achieving your health & fitness, age is obviously a factor and it can play a role in your training set up. For example, we pay close attention to the loading of Dave’s joints, & we include a lot exercises that are based around longevity & mobility.
However, you are NOT defined by your age. You do not have place unnecessary limitations on yourself based on what you have been told you ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ be doing, just because you have been on the planet ‘x’ amount of years!
I see too many people allowing their age to stop them from doing what they truly want to do.
My advice: Stop writing yourself off!
It’s not too late for you to work on what you TRULY want, both in and out of the gym.
Don’t give up on your goals!
Tristan ‘45’ Buttle.
PS – yeah I’ve added a filter as I looked older than Dave in the original pic! #dadlife