A simple trip to the docs last year, as I wasn’t feeling myself resulted in a steroid concern…… You know when you just feel a bit off and something isn’t quite right? So I made an appointment to see my local GP….Anyway, this blog isn’t really about how I feel, I’m […]
Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer
When it comes to supplements, the industry is truly MASSIVE, you name it, there’s a supplement for it……… It can all get very confusing, and understanding supplements is made increasingly difficult by public perception and branding. For example, if you were to ask the average person what they think of protein shakes, a typical response […]
Sweating…I encounter many people who I feel are scared or embarrassed to sweat when exercising. This is totally understandable, as sweating is an involuntary action controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is basically the part of our nervous system over which we have no control. We don’t consciously think to ourselves ‘this […]
I stopped going to McDonald’s after the gym, that’s what she told me……. ………..seriously. Last year I was working with a girl called Sarah & her goal was to change her body shape, lose fat, & get her confidence back… After deciding & planning what was the best route for her to tackle with her […]
Ever have one of ‘those’ days? Days were you lack motivation? You know the days I mean… >When you feel you have lost your mojo? >When you convince yourself it’s because you are lazy?? >You have brain fog?? >Everything seems misty & you can’t seem to switch on?? >When no amount of caffeine can get […]
‘Don’t worry about it’…….……….that’s what I told her. It was my reply to a question about coconut oil & its health properties….now before we go any further, let me explain myself……… I see many people (too many people in fact) sweating over what I consider to be the small stuff…. >Should I use […]
I’m just putting going to put it out there….I love a bit of shopping….. with no shame…….. no embarrassment………. I love a bit of shopping….. However, has this ever happened to you………….? You have been out shopping, tried something on & thought ‘it’s just not me? You liked it but […]
That what he said to me after Body Pump.I ’ve been teaching Body Pump for over 8 years now…… I still love it…it’s still a great class and it’s still always a challenge. I don’t know if you have tried Body Pump (or class of death as a close friend of […]
October 21st 2015, also known as Back To The Future Day.. This is especially true if you are a child of the eighties, like myself. Back To The Future 2 originally came out in 1989…. Yep, sorry to make anyone feel old, ha, it’s true…. When it first came out at the cinema, it […]
When it comes to going the gym and training you may decide to simply ‘go it alone’ or ‘just do your own thing’………. Whilst this isn’t necessarily wrong, in my opinion it is often far from an optimal choice. Your choices and decisions lead directly to the results you have right now. […]