Have you started your new year resolutions? Have you been hitting the gym, looking to lose body fat? Great start, however…. ⚠️Have you actually made realistic changes to your diet & taken control of what you eat? ⚠️You can train your arse off in the gym, but your efforts are wasted without modifying your eating […]
Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer
Why do you eat what you eat? To help understand your relationship with food, try the following exercise: Before you are about to eat your food of choice, simply ask yourself why? Did you just grab the nearest thing out of pure hunger? Did you eat for comfort due to a bad day? Did […]
Just HOW important is nutrition when it comes to achieving fat loss? I’ll start by answering that question with a question ( well, actually 2 questions…I know, I know, I’m awkward…..) 1)Do you know anyone who has lost body fat/changed their bodyshape by changing their diet & lifestyle WITHOUT going to the gym? Your answer […]
Forget about mythical ‘fat burning foods’ here’s what You DO need to lose fat: ✅ To ensure you are in realistic caloric deficit. ✅ A nutritional approach that you CAN stick to, that suits YOU as an individual. ✅ A progressive & structured gym routine that focuses on strength/resistance training. ✅ A consistent level of NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis), track your steps! […]
Happy New Year! Christmas has been & gone no doubt many of you will be starting 2019 by hitting the gym to beat that festive bloat & to kickstart your New Years Resolutions?! I have no issue with new years resolutions & even the most advanced or experienced trainer was once a beginner, however I’ve […]
Christmas Shopping…. HELP! I was wandering around the shop aimlessly.. …trying to find what I was looking for. No joy…… I popped into town last week to do a spot of Christmas Shopping but couldn’t find it anywhere in the shop! I didn’t even know where to start… So I asked the first shop assistant […]
This is Steve, & he is an ex rugby player… Steve is 45 & he dedicated the majority of his younger days to the game, it was & always will be his passion… Unfortunately the game has left him with several injuries which cause him limitation & pain in day to […]
✅ONE YEAR OF SELF EMPLOYMENT DONE ✅ . I can’t believe how quickly my first year has gone! It’s crazy! . I was in my previous job at Cottingham Parks for 16 years… . So when I decided to ‘go it alone’, it was one of THE scariest decisions of my life… . But deep […]
Creamy Chicken & Broccoli Gnocchi. As I’m making this for tea later, I thought I’d share the recipe for you to try out. It’s very simple, but also very tasty, satisfying & warming! Ingredients to serve 3/4 people: ✅4 x diced chicken breasts. ✅1 x chopped onion. ✅3 x crushed garlic cloves. ✅ 1 x […]
I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! Im a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! Do you watch it? Whether you or don’t, chances are you are aware of the ‘bush tucker trials’… These trials see the Im a celebrity contestants having to eat various rather exotic & often pretty grim food choices… […]