One thing I can guarantee you is that, at some point in your life, your strength will be tested. An example of this can be the toxic & negative relationships we sometimes find ourselves in (work, personal, family, you can apply this however you desire). When these relationships come to an end or […]
Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer
Facebook is a bit of a double edged sword isn’t it? I mean, don’t get me wrong, its an amazing tool for keeping in touch with old friends & for sharing some valuable information, whilst having a bit of banter… Plus, some of you maybe reading this via Facebook, so it can serve a […]
Ever been in a relationship and had an argument? Chances are the answer is yes! Did you break up as a result of the argument? Chances are the answer probably is no (depends on the severity of the argument, but for the most part most couples don’t break up over their […]
Yep………… It’s true….. However its only true IF its your birthday. Think about it……would anyone judge you or form an opinion on you for having cake on your birthday? It’s almost like a given isn’t it? Birthday & cake, hand in hand, totally normal. It’s not deemed a ‘bad’ thing. It’s also totally […]
Ryan Reynolds is a beautiful man……. I rewatched Deadpool recently (great movie), starring Ryan Reynolds & I don’t mind admitting it, Ryan has still got it! The character he plays in the movie undergoes a mutation which gives him the ability to recover & regenerate… The downside to this gift is he becomes extremely […]
Lessons from David Brent………… I had a man date last night with one of my best mates and we went to see the new Ricky Gervais movie ‘David Brent: Life on the road’. I was always a huge fan of ‘The Office’ and it was great to see David Brent up on the big […]
When it comes to fat loss & getting in shape, there are many ways to train and many ways to set up a nutritional plan….…..however what works for someone else is not guaranteed to work for you. However, creating a calorie deficit is what underpins fat loss – simple! Eating and understanding calories: Nutrition is […]
What action can you take today? I am going to get straight to the point today, because I want to keep this quick and I know you are busy….. I want you to ask yourself what action can you take to bring yourself just one small step closer to your goals. Not tomorrow… Not Monday…. […]
When it comes to training, rarely does one size fit all, and if you were to ask 10 people (who have got results) what they do, you may get 10 different answers… How I train is specific to ME, how YOU train needs to be specific to YOU. Training age/experience, injuries & limitations, personal likes […]
I have a simple question for you today, do you need to change? Take a moment to ask yourself? If you are truly happy & content with your current situation and your current reality in all areas of your life, then the answer is probably no, and you can stop reading now. However, if you […]