I moved to Cottingham when I was 2, & I’ve lived here since… Over the years people have commented: ‘You love Cottingham ’… ‘If you leave Cottingham, you’ll get a nose bleed’… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Many people have also slagged the place off: claiming it’s backward, it’s boring, there’s nothing happening etc etc… I’m not saying Cottingham […]
Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer
When it comes to fat loss, people often think about going to the gym & changing their diet, few look at their true overall activity levels………. This is classed as N.E.A.T N.E.A.T stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis…. Sounds fancy doesn’t it? This is a flashy way of describing & grouping all the energy that […]
One of the main reasons I like love training is that for that moment in time nothing else matters, other than the job in hand. I am completely detached from everything. If you truly want to clear your own mind & momentarily escape any stress or worries you may have, adjusting your training can help. Done […]
Sugar: is it your enemy? Every now and again, certain foods get demonised, and sugar has certainly had its fair share of hate over the years… Is sugar ‘bad’ for you?! Is it as addictive as crack?! Is sugar the responsible for our great nations obesity stats?! Ok, here we go, where to start…? Well, firstly, […]
When it comes to making long term, sustainable lifestyle changes, introducing small tweaks that you CAN stick to is key…. 🍅For example, If you like a splodge of the red stuff, this is a really good swap for standard ketchup. 🍅There’s little difference in terms of flavour with the 50% reduced sugar version for a […]
If you are stuck for ideas, why not try this simple but tasty Lean Mince Bolognese?! Ingredients (Easily enough for 3 people): 500g lean (2%) steak mince. 1 chopped onion. 2 chopped carrots. 6 chopped sticks of celery. 300g sliced mushrooms of choice. 1 tbsp tomato purée 2 x 400g of chopped tomato. 500ml of chicken […]
Losing weight radically is easy, but it’s also completely unsustainable… ⚠️Once this radical approach stops, you will undoubtedly end up back to where you started (or worse). Social media doesn’t help, long term & sustainability isn’t as easy to sell, which is why the quick fix BS is continually churned out by ‘influencers’ & ‘reality’ stars… […]
Unbreakable starring Bruce Wills as David Dunn, have you seen it? It’s a classic film, Bruce at his finest (apart from Die Hard obviously ha ha ).. Anyway, David discovers he has certain gifts, certain strengths & certain powers… Throughout the course of Unbreakable David starts to challenge these strengths… He doesn’t really know how strong […]
Fyre Festival : The Greatest Party That Never Happened… Amy & I recently watched the Netflix doc ‘the greatest party that never happened’ all about the Fyre music festival. I won’t spoil it all in case you haven’t seen it, but the basic premise centres around one mans idea of a very high […]
When it comes to going the gym, you may decide to simply ‘go it alone’ or ‘do your own thing’………. Whilst this isn’t wrong, and its clearly better than nothing, it’s also probably not going to get you results you are truly after. The reality is that your choices and decisions lead directly to the […]